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You’re Perfect.  Do Better!

You’re Perfect. Do Better!

I’ve been housing two incompatible worldviews and I didn’t even know it until someone got a little too friendly with my wife. Worldview #1 You’re enough!  You don’t need to change a thing!  You don’t any apologies for being yourself. ...
Handling Internal Conflicting Ideas

Handling Internal Conflicting Ideas

Internal Disagreements I walk around with unexamined, conflicting worldviews in my head.  We all do.  In fact, it would seem the whole of science, emotion, and religion is engaged in the management and unification of these conflicts. Which one actually describes...
My First Encounter with Self-Compassion

My First Encounter with Self-Compassion

Self-compassion: I loosely define self-compassion as caring about myself at least as tenderly as I care for my friend or my dog or my houseplant. (I have one.  It’s a red one.  That’s all I know about it.  I don’t care very much about it.  But at...
Student Follow-Up

Student Follow-Up

So far, no one has ever reached out to say, “You were my least favorite teacher ever.” Thanks for that! Don’t worry, Inner Critic – I know that doesn’t mean I don’t have any haters. I hated some of my teachers, and I haven’t reached out to tell them so.  Plus,...
Paying It Forward

Paying It Forward

Love is a tough thing to catch up on. I really should tell my favorite teachers how much they really meant to me. I should tell my biggest influences that they impacted my growth as a person. I should write to the authors of the books that transformed my life. I’m...
Too Much To Process

Too Much To Process

Only too recently, I’ve been diving into emotional intelligence and emotional health. “Emotional sickness is avoiding reality at any cost. Emotional health is facing reality at any cost.” -M. Scott Peck I am now open to the idea that my emotions can...
Feeling Feeling Feeling

Feeling Feeling Feeling

How are you feeling? Fine, you say?  Cool.  I’m good with that. I am too.  Mentally. Physically. But “feeling” is a homonym – a single word with multiple meanings.  At least it is in my life.  I feel physical sensations, but I don’t feel...
Making Friends as An Adult

Making Friends as An Adult

Leaving my family’s cult a couple years ago, and losing nearly all my friends and family in the process, I had to start completely over.  It was a crash course in community building, starting at zero. Kids do it all the time, moving to new cities, changing...
No – YOU Walked Away from ME

No – YOU Walked Away from ME

Old Rules Back when I was a part of my family’s cult, people left [or were kicked out] all the time.  We were supposed to cut them off when they left us, but I held a slightly different policy.  I figured the last thing in the world they needed was to look at...
How To Participate

How To Participate

The Need The Solution How It Feels How To Participate (you are here) Code of Aspirations Code of Aspirations Explanations Logistics GROUP PREMISES: I can learn a lot about myself by talking honestly about myself, even to myself. Being forced to put into words what I...